Page 11 - VCT August 2021
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Not a Member-The Time to JOIN is NOW!!
Benefits of Membership
In addition to the various training opportunities and membership identification items, each member
receives access to IAATI’s worldwide membership database, where he (or she) will be able to obtain
information and assistance on virtually any auto theft related problem. In addition each member
receives our quarterly news magazine, the APB, which contains updates on vehicle theft issues,
current court decisions pertaining to auto theft and upcoming training information.
Annual Membership Fees
North American Chapters: $US 55.00 New Membership $US 50.00 for Renewals.
Branches dues are set by the Individual Branch's due to Monetary restrictions.
To apply for membership or renewal an existing membership please select your local branch or
chapter from the drop down list in the header of the website, and then go to their specific
membership page.
Types of Membership
Membership in IAATI is open to members of law enforcement and to members of the insurance and
investigative profession that have an interest in combating auto theft. There are two types of
membership - Active and Affiliate. The qualifications are listed below.
For more information go to