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Chapter / Branch Information - Branch and chapter information is located on the website.
For general information and obtain contact information for a branch or chapter, please click here. Information about IAATI chapters and
branches can be found on the website: ABOUT IAATI/BRANCHES AND CHAPTERS. For individual chapter and branch news, please visit that
website or go to page 2 and click on a logo to be directed to that branch or chapter website.
Committee Information / News / Reports - Committee information is located on the website.
For general committee information, members and their contact information, please click here or from the website, click ABOUT IAATI. To
access periodic committee reports, please click here. Committee reports are located on the website: ABOUT IAATI/DOCUMENTATION.
Training Seminar / Event Information - Training information is always being added to the website.
For information on all IAATI training events as well as training offered by others, please click here. Members are able to view information
regarding the various training opportunities available and register online when able.
Board Members / Information - Please click here to view information on the IAATI website regarding current board members.
Vehicle Crimes Today - Publication deadline
The next issue of Vehicle Crimes Today will be released beginning of September If you have any articles, photographs, member
news, or anything else to include in the next issue, please click here to submit a story or send an email to In
order to have your information included in the next edition, please submit or email everything by the 25th of each month.
Board Members and Committee Members wanted!
Each year during the annual IAATI conference, members elect a new board of directors. New committee members are selected as well. Now is
the time to do your part and submit your intent to serve on the IAATI board or one of the committees. It is as simple as sending an email to the
chair of the Nominating Committee, Past President JD Hough at
When submitting your email, please including the following information:
- Your name and number of years you have been an IAATI member along with membership number;
- Your profession and current employer;
- Your reasons for wanting to get more involved;
- The number of IAATI seminars you have attended over the past years;
- What ideas you have that might benefit IAATI;
- Your experience/work within your local IAATI chapter/branch.