Page 24 - VCT January 2022
P. 24
I hope those of you that attended the 69th IAATI Conference in Colorado had a blast by catch-
ing up with old friends as well as making new connections.
I hope all of you had safe travels back home and are staying safe and healthy.
Have you heard the good news that the IAATI Site Selection and Planning Committee has
selected Hawaii as the destination to host the 71st International Conference in 2023. I hope this
COVID-19 Pandemic subsides by then so we all can have a blast here on the island of Oahu
right in Waikiki and take in a luau together.
As we say here, come early and stay late so that you can enjoy our white sand beaches, beauti-
ful weather, lush scenery, exquisite cuisine and of course... the Mai Tai’s. Bring your entire fami-
ly so they too can experience our great lifestyle here.
If you decide to come early or stay late I hope you can take the time to visit the neighbor is-
lands. The following link will enhance your decision to visit Hawaii in 2023.
Mahalo & Hau’ole Makahiki Hou,
(Happy New Year)
Wendell Takata
WSATI-Hawaii Chapter