Page 18 - VCT April 2021
P. 18

We want to take the time and welcome our newest members to IAATI and their
         Chapter/Branch.  The following are our new members for March 2021. Again

                 Kevin Larkin-NE Chapter                               Jose Yunque-NE Chapter

                 Michael Mejia-SE Chapter                            Robert Nichols-NE Chapter

                 Anna Gordon-AU Branch                                Gilbert Gassin-AU Branch

                Casey Watkins-WE Chapter                                 Jason Daily-UK Branch

                Thomas Greer-NE Chapter                              John Heffernan-NE Chapter

             Nicholas Vernotica-NE Chapter                           Ryan Theuekauf-SE Chapter

               Steven Merslich-NE Chapter                               Brian Metz-NC Chapter

                    Tim Lowe-SE Chapter                                 Menglin Xu-NC Chapter

            Gregory Blackburn-NC Chapter                                Katie Reiser-SC Chapter

                Emil Nusbaum-SE Chapter                                 James Koch-SC Chapter

               Graham Watson-SE Chapter                              Sean McKinney-SE Chapter

                 Grover Lewis-NE Chapter                              Jeff Rowinsky-NC Chapter

                 Jason Fermin-NE Chapter                           Anthony Kowalick-NE Chapter

                  Frank Dakro-SA Branch                                   Peter Lee-SE Chapter

                   Bob Lucas-NE Chapter                               Tiffany Makely-NE Chapter

                James Clifford-NE Chapter                               Cori Waddy-SC Chapter

                Wayne Atkins-WE Chapter                              Michael Carleo-NE Chapter

                Thomas Ritter-NE Chapter

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